The relevance of this study is determined by the intensive development of pedagogical sciences in Kazakhstan. The aim of the work is to analyze trends in pedagogical research in Kazakhstan based on data from the Scopus database for the period from 2000 to 2023. The research methodology includes the collection of data on the keywords "education" and "Kazakhstan," their preliminary processing, and statistical analysis using SPSS to identify the main trends and directions of development in this scientific field. The results showed a gradual increase in the number of publications from 7 paper in 2000 to 287 in 2023, indicating an increased scientific interest in pedagogy in Kazakhstan. The geographical analysis revealed the leading role of Kazakhstan with 1531 publications, as well as significant contributions from researchers from the Russian Federation, the United States, and other countries, emphasizing the international importance of Kazakh pedagogical research. The thematic analysis of keywords confirmed the wide range of topics studied and the multidisciplinary approaches, highlighting educational reform, multilingualism in teaching, and the introduction of innovative technologies into the educational process as the main directions. The conclusions of the study emphasize the theoretical and practical importance of analyzing pedagogical publications for the further development of educational science in Kazakhstan and emphasize the need to continue comprehensive interdisciplinary research in this area.
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