
  • Аinash Kudysheva NJSC South-Kazakhstan Pedagogical University, Kazakhstan
  • Anar Popandopulo NJSC «Toraighyrov University»
  • Saule Ksembayeva NJSC «Toraighyrov University»
  • Dana Abdrasheva NJSC «Korkyt Ata Kysylorda University»


Ключевые слова:

support, assistance, early professional self-determibation, middle school students , educational counseling , career counseling


This research article delves into the multifaceted landscape of supporting and guiding middle school students in their early professional self-determination. It begins with an introduction highlighting the significance of this developmental phase and outlines various initiatives aimed at providing comprehensive support to middle school students as they navigate career exploration and decision-making. The literature review section synthesizes diverse perspectives on professional self-determination, offering insights from scholars such as D. Super, L. I. Bozhovich, and Y. A. Kustov. The study identifies subjective and objective factors influencing career choices and discusses their impact on middle school students' professional self-determination. Furthermore, it explores the results of a diagnostic survey conducted among middle school students, revealing prevalent inclinations towards specific types of professions. The research findings underscore the need for targeted support to enhance middle school students' readiness for career decision-making. Lastly, the article concludes by emphasizing the importance of implementing psychological and pedagogical support systems within educational institutions to facilitate informed career choices among high school middle school students.

Биографии авторов

  • Аinash Kudysheva, NJSC South-Kazakhstan Pedagogical University, Kazakhstan

    candidate of pedagogical science, NJSC South-Kazakhstan Pedagogical University, Kazakhstan, e-mail:

  • Anar Popandopulo , NJSC «Toraighyrov University»

    PhD, NJSC «Toraighyrov University», Kazakhstan; e-mail:

  • Saule Ksembayeva, NJSC «Toraighyrov University»

    candidate of pedagogical science, NJSC «Toraighyrov University», Kazakhstan; e-mail:

  • Dana Abdrasheva, NJSC «Korkyt Ata Kysylorda University»

    PhD, NJSC «Korkyt Ata Kysylorda University», Kazakhstan; e-mail:

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