https://doi.org/10.59787/2413-5488-2024-46-2-88-100Ключевые слова:
learner needs analysis, learner-oriented approach, professional multilingualism, needs analysis , expected learning outcomes, language for specific purposesАннотация
This article explores contemporary perspectives in linguodidactics regarding the necessity of conducting needs analysis for students studying languages for specific purposes. With a growing emphasis on linguistic proficiency for professional engagement globally, universities, including those in the Republic of Kazakhstan, face the challenge of aligning language education with the genuine needs of graduates and employers. This study systematically outlines primary categories of student needs and facilitates informed decision-making in curriculum design and pedagogy selection. Through analysis of existing research, the investigation informs the development of educational content, instructional methodologies, and technology integration in university-level language courses. Ultimately, this approach aims to adequately prepare students for the current Kazakhstani labor market, ensuring their competitiveness by fostering communicative and professional competencies in multiple languages, such as Kazakh, Russian, English, and other foreign languages, thereby exemplifying the concept of professional multilingualism.
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