DOI:Ключевые слова:
soft skills , career counseling, career development , communication, teamwork, leadership, presentation skills, time management, problem solving, creativityАннотация
In this article we consider the problem of soft skills development through career counseling of graduate students. In the course of literature analysis we have established that “soft skills” allow any person, especially students, to realize themselves in professional activity, as well as to increase its efficiency and ensure the achievement of career growth. It was determined that the application of career counseling is especially important for students, taking into account its modern peculiarities in relation to the fact that students of the last courses have different needs of their development as future specialists. The results of the questionnaire survey showed the importance for students to develop indicators of soft skills, including through career counseling. The developed Program of soft skills development through career counseling offered for training of final year students allowed to increase the indicators of the main soft skills of students: communication; teamwork; leadership; presentation skills; time management; problem solving and creativity.
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