The article is devoted to the development of the principles of project activities. In the state compulsory education standard, projects are used as a form of state final certification. Because project activity arouses interest, allows you to develop social skills in the process of group interaction, acquires research experience, and forms skills such as creative thinking. Acquired skills increase the level of motivation of students, allows to increase the initiative of students.
The article analyzes the content of project activities based on documents in the field of education. Pedagogical literature was effectively used in revealing the historical aspects of the project. The effectiveness of applying project activities to students is the development of self-management skills, teamwork, leadership, and time management. The effectiveness of the formation of students' skills through project activities in the study of biological disciplines has been studied. The development of these skills in solving problems that we face in life has a positive effect on their becoming a person.
In improving the quality of education, it is important to form scientific thinking in the process of teaching biology that meets academic requirements and objectively assess a specific scientific problem, determine ways to solve it. Each project action represents a specific situation in which solutions are required using logical analysis. During the experiment, experiments on the formation of cognitive interest, demonstration of biological and other methods were used. During the writing of the scientific article, the results of an experiment on the development of self-management skills, teamwork, leadership, and time management through project activities were summarized.
The authors conducted a comparative analysis of the results of the assessment of students' project skills before and after the completion of the project. It can be concluded that training based on project activities and self-management skills, teamwork, leadership, and time management is in demand today.
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