DOI:Ключевые слова:
foreign language competence, formal education, non-formal education, professional foreign language competence, convergence, competence, higher educationАннотация
This article considers the peculiarities of the formation of students' professional foreign language competence in the conditions of convergence of formal and non-formal education. The necessity of integration of formal and non-formal education in foreign language education is substantiated. The role and significance of formal education provided by educational institutions and non-formal education carried out outside educational institutions in the formation of students' professional foreign language competence is analyzed. Special attention is paid to the interaction of these two forms of education and their influence on the development of students' linguistic and communicative skills. One of the main objectives of the study is to identify the educational needs of students in the conditions of formation of their professional foreign language competence. As a result of the study, the authors made conclusions that the majority of students consider it appropriate to integrate formal and non-formal education, as it will allow them to master additional competencies and increase their motivation for learning. Thus, in conclusion, the authors of the article summarise the results of the study and draw conclusions about the significance of the interaction between formal and non-formal education for the formation and improvement of students' professional foreign language competence.
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