DOI:Ключевые слова:
third mission of the university, university transformation, university strategy, educational innovation, scientific researchАннотация
The proposed paper is devoted to an examination of the concept of the Third Mission of universities, which is considered to be a pivotal aspect of their social responsibility. The study offers a comprehensive examination of the global experience in the implementation of the Third Mission, encompassing diverse approaches and practices aimed at addressing socially significant issues, fostering innovation and entrepreneurship, and engaging with local communities and stakeholders. The paper presents an overview of the experience of Kazakhstani universities in the implementation of the Third Mission, demonstrating the adaptation of global practices to local conditions and their contribution to regional development. The paper yielded the following outcomes: substantiation of the practical dimensions of the Third Mission of Universities, which may prove beneficial for further research and implementation in the domain of higher education; identification of avenues for adapting successful practices by integrating social responsibility into the activities of universities, including the formation of effective partnerships, the promotion of innovation, and interaction with local communities; identification of pivotal points for further enhancement of the concept of social responsibility in the field of higher education.
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