DOI:Ключевые слова:
Quality assurance system, internal quality assurance, modeling of system components, regulation of internal processes, higher educationАннотация
Research offers a conceptual model to provide the university's internal quality assurance system at national level. The purpose of paper is to develop a new model of the university’s internal quality assurance system based on the values of a culture of quality among the entire higher education community: academic staff, students, managerial staff, employers, government agencies and others.
Research methodology includes a modelling approach with analytical review of legal and regulatory acts and presentation of the structural architecture of the higher education quality assurance system. This part includes the content and evaluation unit of the internal quality assurance system and organizational and analytical block of the internal quality assurance system model, and organizational and analytical block of the internal quality assurance system model. Quality assurance includes measures to manage high-quality content, high-quality contingent, high-quality personnel, and high-quality infrastructure.
The proposed model suggests that HEIs can enhance the internal quality assurance system and maintain quality culture.
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