Social integral GPA (SSCI) as a factor in increasing the competitiveness of future specialists


  • Zhandos Zulpykhar L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University
  • Zukhra Abdikhalyk



social integral GPA, intellectual development, volunteering, creative activity, communication skills, sports achievements, society, social activity, competence


In today's rapidly developing age, not a single person can be isolated from society. From early childhood to old age, we are in close contact with the people around us, establishing interpersonal relationships, uniting people with each other in whole groups, thus becoming an integral part of countless and diverse types of relationships. Students who are full members of society are also considered as individuals with high social activity.

The article discusses the meaning of the concept of social integral GPA. In addition, the components that ensure the implementation of social activity are identified. The Social Integral GPA includes intellectual development, communication skills, social and volunteer activities, creative activity and sports achievements. Also, in the context of globalization, the social integral GPA provides the labor market with practice-oriented human capital.

Participation in student organizations, volunteering and sports activities have a positive effect on the formation and development of teamwork skills, leadership qualities, individual and collective responsibility. Rowlin and Bangerter's research [1] shows that leadership in a student organization contributes to the strengthening of leadership skills. There is also a high correlation between student participation in social activities and the development of critical thinking.

Social activity develops many competencies and skills: communication skills, playing sports and a healthy lifestyle, emotional intelligence (EI), volunteering, teamwork, etc.

The relevance of the research topic is determined by the importance of the goal of the higher education system - the formation of a personality involved in the creation of a knowledge-intensive economy and having a high social responsibility to society.


