As technology plays an increasingly prominent role in education, the undeniable need for training programs aimed at equipping teachers with digital technology skills in art education becomes evident. This case study, conducted within the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University framework, examines teacher training programs, the challenges teachers face in integrating technology, and art faculty members' learning motivations and preferences. The research employs a descriptive survey, utilizing a questionnaire to collect data. Participants included 25 art professors from the Art Education, Graphic Design, and Visual Arts departments, who responded to questions about teaching methods across three areas: experiential learning, self-directed learning, and institutional learning. The results indicate that the teachers' level of self-directed learning, with an average of 3.7, was higher than experiential and institutional learning. This suggests that teachers are making considerable personal efforts to improve their skills. Additionally, they rated the necessity of institutional training programs as 4.0 (very high), though the challenges they face when using technology were rated at 2.9. The findings reveal that teachers' academic rank influences their perspectives on digital technologies. These insights can help pave the way for educational institutions in Kazakhstan to develop more technology-driven curricula in the future.
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