framework, work-integrated learning, industry mentor, academic mentor, student, university, labor market, employmentAbstract
Work-integrated learning helps to coordinate the theoretical training of students with future practical activities in the workplace, gives an opportunity to business, university and the state to participate in joint activities for innovative development in all sectors of the economy and achieve their organizational and national goals. Work-integrated learning is practiced in most countries, but it is not a common feature of all universities. Stakeholders, university, industry organizations and students, there is a gap in empirical research in terms of identifying the interactions and roles of stakeholders in work-integrated learning framework. The purpose of the study was to create a framework of work-integrated learning at a university, with the inclusion of three stakeholders involved in this process: an industry and an academic mentor, and a student. In this framework, the stages of work-integrated learning were developed, the functions of the participants of work-integrated learning at each stage, teaching methods and learning outcomes were characterized. At the theoretical level, this framework contributes to the amount of knowledge about work-integrated learning in universities. On a practical level, the study has a positive impact on students, the university and industry organisations that become partners in work-integrated learning. The created framework will contribute to the improvement of educational results, better preparation and compliance of graduates with the requirements of the labor market
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