
  • Bakytgul Zhetpisbayeva Astana IT University
  • Zhibek Khussainova Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after S. Seifullin
  • Saule Shunkeyeva the National Center for Professional Development "Orleu" in the Karaganda Region
  • Gulvira Akybayeva Astana IT University



Кілт сөздер:

risk management, university management, higher education, risk management in higher education, quality assurance, bibliometric analysis


This article focuses on the analysis of published research on risk management in higher education institutions. The authors believe that for effective implementation of risk management in Kazakhstani universities and the development of a concept for its scientific and methodological support, a systematic and large-scale research effort is necessary. This includes identifying the categorical framework of risk management in higher education. In this context, the authors conducted a bibliometric analysis using the Scopus database, as well as the methodological approach and capabilities of the VOSviewer software tool. The study of sources on the issue of risk management in universities revealed insufficient development of this topic from methodological positions and in the applied context. Additionally, the bibliometric analysis not only identified and visualized current research directions in this field but also highlighted trends for future research in the subject areas of "risk management," "university management," and "risk management in higher education institutions."

Автор өмірбаяндары

  • Bakytgul Zhetpisbayeva, Astana IT University

    Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Astana IT University, Astana, Kazakhstan, e-mail: zhetpisbajeva@mail.ru

  • Zhibek Khussainova, Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after S. Seifullin

    Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor, Director of the Institute of Postgraduate Education of the Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after S. Seifullin, Kazakhstan, Astana, e-mail: zhibekh11@mail.ru

  • Saule Shunkeyeva , the National Center for Professional Development "Orleu" in the Karaganda Region

    PhD, Associate Professor at the Department of Pedagogy and Subject Methods at the National Center for Professional Development "Orleu" in the Karaganda Region, Karaganda, Kazakhstan, e-mail: saule_shunk@mail.ru

  • Gulvira Akybayeva, Astana IT University

    Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Astana IT University, Astana,  Kazakhstan,  e-mail: akubaeva_g@mail.ru

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