DOI:Кілт сөздер:
digital culture; digitalization in education; Jean Monnet Module; Astana IT University; categoriesАңдатпа
This paper presents one of the results of the project on “Digital culture in higher education: European perspective” funded by European Comission Jean Monnet Module (JMM) for the years of 2022-2025. The aim of this funded project is to convey European perspectives on digital culture in higher education. Within this project the authors have developped and introduced a breif module designed for students majoring in information technologies at Astana IT University in Kazakhstan. The authors have conducted an online survey among 452 students who have participated in the module. The purpose of this survey was to explore student persepctives and awarness about digital culture and digitalization in education. The data obtained from the student responses have been clustered into sixteen categories. The authors conclude that the respondents are aware of digital culture and education and opportunities in these fields. The student responses demonstrate multifaceted nature of digital culture and digitalization in education. Key themes include the use of digital tools in academic and professional life, digital interaction, and the societal impact of technology. Student responses also emphasized the democratization and accessibility of education through digital platforms. The findings of the study have revealed that there is still lack of familiarity among the respondents with the concept of digital culture and digitalization in education and a synchronous impact on society and culture.
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