Applied bachelor degree, short-cycle educational programs, national qualifications system, education system, higher education, technical and vocational education, labor market, graduates, employers.Abstract
Short-cycle educational programs in Kazakhstan are currently represented by applied bachelor degree programs. This first of its kind study was conducted to analyse the perceptions of applied bachelor programs by students, program graduates and employers in Kazakhstan. The results of the survey and interviews revealed a motivation for choosing applied bachelor programs among students of these programs and graduates, as well as the level of satisfaction with their choice. Employers' responses included an assessment of the training provided by the applied bachelor programs and whether programs graduates meet employers expectations. The authors concluded that applied bachelor programs ensure successful integration in the labor market. They provide access to training for socially vulnerable groups (e.g., part-time workers, unemployed people who do not follow traditional educational paths), increasing access to education. The practice-oriented nature of applied bachelor's degree programs allows to obtain qualified personnel in a shorter period of time compared to bachelor's degrees, which is beneficial for employers. Nevertheless, there were revealed problems related to the transition from NQF level 5 to level 6 for higher education, as well as insufficient information work of education providers to explain the advantages and features of applied bachelor degree programs. This suggests a need to take measures to further develop and strengthen the applied bachelor's degree in Kazakhstan. In general, it can be said that development prospects of applied bachelor's degree will contribute to the training of qualified personnel for the labor market.
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